Finalmente xe in libreria el manuale dela boba de Borgo, de quele legere (ah no! de quele bobe!) de Flavio Furian e Maxino e con la copertina boba de Paolo Pascutto.
Se pol ciorlo anche comodamente online sula botega boba.
La presentazion sarà martedì 19 febbraio, alle 18, presso il Thelma Louise Bar in Piazzale Rodolfo Sartori, 7 a Borgo San Sergio ( e dove se no?).
Eco un'anteprima ah ciò! :)
Per diventare una vera Boba de Borgo, il vestiario è un punto cruciale. Nessuna boba è alla moda. La boba è sopra la moda.
Occhiale a goccia, nero, leggermente unto. Non tanto da precludere la vista del mondo esterno, ma sufficiente da essere apostrofato con “Ara! Che onti!”.
Giubbotto in simil-pelle marrone logorato dal tempo e dall’esperienza. Le movenze spesso rigide della boba dipendono anche dalla durezza ormai raggiunta dall’indumento.
Maglietta o camicia assolutamente a casaccio. La boba quando si trova davanti al suo armadio esclama “Me meto un random” ed estrae ciò che capita.
Pantalone scuro per prevenire eventuali minzioni involontarie durante l’assunzione di bevande.
Scarpa alta di qualità. Gli unici soldi posseduti dalla boba vengono spesi in stivaletti tutti uguali. Unica variabile accettata è la lunghezza della punta. Anche per questo motivo, spesso, il reparto “stivaletti bobe”, si trova vicino al reparto pinne nei negozi sportivi.
Vedi vestiario invernale.
N.B. Se il caldo risultasse eccessivo, a malincuore, la boba può rinunciare al giubbotto in pelle. Anche se, per codice deontologico, ha comunque l’obbligo di averlo a portata, nel raggio di massimo 200 metri. Che no se sa mai.
mercoledì 13 febbraio 2019
giovedì 7 febbraio 2019
Nasar scorese fa ben ala salute
Va ben, come titolo xe un poco forte. Ma xe el risultato de un importante studio scientifico internazionale de cui ne par giusto dar notizia.
In questo importante paper dal respiro internazionale, el mulon disi che in pratica un componente presente nele scorese, l'acido solfidrico (o H2S o idrogeno solforato o solfuro di idrogeno o insoma come che volè, femo de desso in poi "Toio", che xe più facile) imboreza i mitocondri e li fa andar a tuto gas, portando più energia, visto che xe quel che i fa. E quindi fa ben un poco per tuto.
Eco la dichiarazion uficiale del Dr. Mark Wood: “Although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced in the body and could in fact be a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of diseases.”
Che tradota in triestin sona più o meno cussì:
"Anche se savemo che Toio ga sai tiro de nera e de ovi marzi, el xe una roba natural e chi che mola la scoresa el se libera de (più de) un mal".
A ocio ne par un clamoroso caso de plagio scientifico e semo za in causa per dimostrar che sta scoperta salvavita la gaveva za fata l'autor de la canzon "La scoresa", de cui riportemo parte del testo:
Bon, comunque desso me racomando co ve tien de scoresar in coriera no stè esser egoisti e tegnirvela per voi, ma fè del ben per el prossimo.
Ricordeve: Un sorriso e una scoresa xe gratis e pol migliorar la giornata de tuti.
Ben bon, e a proposito de scienza mona, momento reclam: ricordeve che in libreria trovè "THE ORIGIN OF NOSEPOLIS", aka Monon Behavior 4, nele librerie più bobe nonchè comodamente online qua!
E tuti i misteri de Trieste, dala maledizion de Miramar al Nosepol, dal Quel che se ciama ala movida, dai cocai ale Lasko ve sarà finalmente riveladi!
In questo importante paper dal respiro internazionale, el mulon disi che in pratica un componente presente nele scorese, l'acido solfidrico (o H2S o idrogeno solforato o solfuro di idrogeno o insoma come che volè, femo de desso in poi "Toio", che xe più facile) imboreza i mitocondri e li fa andar a tuto gas, portando più energia, visto che xe quel che i fa. E quindi fa ben un poco per tuto.
Eco la dichiarazion uficiale del Dr. Mark Wood: “Although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced in the body and could in fact be a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of diseases.”
Che tradota in triestin sona più o meno cussì:
"Anche se savemo che Toio ga sai tiro de nera e de ovi marzi, el xe una roba natural e chi che mola la scoresa el se libera de (più de) un mal".
A ocio ne par un clamoroso caso de plagio scientifico e semo za in causa per dimostrar che sta scoperta salvavita la gaveva za fata l'autor de la canzon "La scoresa", de cui riportemo parte del testo:
La scoresa la scoresa xe una roba natural
chi che mola la scoresa el se libera de un mal
ma per far la scoresa ghe vol ben tegnir el fià
perchè se no vien fora meza, resta in cul l'altra metà.
Bon, comunque desso me racomando co ve tien de scoresar in coriera no stè esser egoisti e tegnirvela per voi, ma fè del ben per el prossimo.
Ricordeve: Un sorriso e una scoresa xe gratis e pol migliorar la giornata de tuti.
Ben bon, e a proposito de scienza mona, momento reclam: ricordeve che in libreria trovè "THE ORIGIN OF NOSEPOLIS", aka Monon Behavior 4, nele librerie più bobe nonchè comodamente online qua!
E tuti i misteri de Trieste, dala maledizion de Miramar al Nosepol, dal Quel che se ciama ala movida, dai cocai ale Lasko ve sarà finalmente riveladi!
De cossa se parla:
monon behavior in the world,
studi scientifici
martedì 5 febbraio 2019
I 15 compagni de classe che no manca mai
Gnente, giusto un'altra anteprima da "The Origin of Nosepolis", che trovè nele librerie più bobe e anca comodamente online qua.
Diretamente del'importante studio scientifico "The triestin muleria: going to school is cool", eco estrato el toco dedicado ai compagni de classe che tuti gavemo gavudo.
In every class there is always some fixed categories of schoolmates.
These are:
The paiazo: the one who always makes the mona. After some years, he can evolve and become a legera or he can remain proudly moneto forever. Mona a 20, mona avanti (Stanese, personal communication).
The lofio: dangerous category, this mulo is schierated by the dark side of the forz, i.e. the teachers. He will always lofiar everyone, but he will also ciapar a lot of sazie leegnade.
The fumigador: he will pass all of his Oberdan years fuming spagnolets in every place, class, condot, parchegg and stairs. Before the no-smoking edict of 1995, a lot of fumigadors used to smoke inside the atrio of the school, creating a big black fog in which you could even hide yourself to make lipe without fadiga.
The okkupador: you don’t know the existence of this schoolmate in your class until there is odor of okkupation. Then he magically materialize himself, and magically he will disappear again after the end of the okkupation.
The croomeero: the complementar of the okkupador. He never makes sciopers or other form of protest. The okkupation is his worst enemy.
The nerd: no need of description. Everybody have a nerd in class dei, no stè far finta de no. E se no ve vien in mente alora ieri voi. However, the nerd is informatically talented and can easily napar which professor watched pornazzees in the informatic aule.
The giustificator: the king of paraculs. He has a entire catalogue of exscuses to not be interrogated when it’s his turn. These comprends: 5 grandmothers, 8 grandfathers and an esercit of uncles ready to die the day before of the interrogation; an afamated dog/cat/cocal/ceenghial/sorz that magnated his appunts so he wasn’t able to study; a perfectly timed headache/mal of panz/garbing that appears exactly during the hour of the interrogation; a certified dangerous allergy to the inchiostr of the book; some aliens that frequently rapiss him (fig. paracul).
The cocol secion: a sgaious mulo with very high votes and very altruistic manner, so you can copiate everything from him. Usually during the compitinclasse the class assumes a “christmas tree” disposition, with the cocol secion on the top, two muli behind him that copiate from him and three or four other muli behind them that copiate from them. So the optimal proportion in a class is 1 cocol secion every 6 muli.
The stronz secion: high votes but totally estraneous to the social life of the class. He doesn’t let you copiate nothing. Sfigà.
The nagana: the one who doesn’t have pel cool the school, makes a lot of lipe, takes a lot of picons and is involved in every situation of longhee. The nagane were characterized by the use of Fifty and Oxford in the 80’s and by the use of Zip or Phantom F12 in the 90’s. Can evolve in legera, gencon, tara or simply in mulon.
The pH2: schoolmate characterized by his gratuit ranzidume with everybody. His contemporary presence with a nagana is highly sconsigliated.
The guitarist: he’s the one that bring with him the guitarin in every party. If he’s good and plays Nirvana and Pearl Jam, it’s a figade. If he likes Giggi D’alessio, it’s very longhee.
The nana tetona: mula that svilupped more in the x coordinate than in the y. Usually her arrive is anticipated of some seconds by the manifestation of her tetons.
The high CTF rank mula: the pataton of the class. If you haven’t this one in the class, change sezion!
The boocal: the lowest CTF rank mula of the class. It’s not finger that she will not become beautiful in the years, like in the typical american filmazz in which the ugly protagonist will molate her cavei, will cavars the machinet from the dents, will cavars the ociai and improvisament will become a pataton. Eh sì.
Diretamente del'importante studio scientifico "The triestin muleria: going to school is cool", eco estrato el toco dedicado ai compagni de classe che tuti gavemo gavudo.
In every class there is always some fixed categories of schoolmates.
These are:
The paiazo: the one who always makes the mona. After some years, he can evolve and become a legera or he can remain proudly moneto forever. Mona a 20, mona avanti (Stanese, personal communication).
The lofio: dangerous category, this mulo is schierated by the dark side of the forz, i.e. the teachers. He will always lofiar everyone, but he will also ciapar a lot of sazie leegnade.
The fumigador: he will pass all of his Oberdan years fuming spagnolets in every place, class, condot, parchegg and stairs. Before the no-smoking edict of 1995, a lot of fumigadors used to smoke inside the atrio of the school, creating a big black fog in which you could even hide yourself to make lipe without fadiga.
The okkupador: you don’t know the existence of this schoolmate in your class until there is odor of okkupation. Then he magically materialize himself, and magically he will disappear again after the end of the okkupation.
The croomeero: the complementar of the okkupador. He never makes sciopers or other form of protest. The okkupation is his worst enemy.
The nerd: no need of description. Everybody have a nerd in class dei, no stè far finta de no. E se no ve vien in mente alora ieri voi. However, the nerd is informatically talented and can easily napar which professor watched pornazzees in the informatic aule.
The giustificator: the king of paraculs. He has a entire catalogue of exscuses to not be interrogated when it’s his turn. These comprends: 5 grandmothers, 8 grandfathers and an esercit of uncles ready to die the day before of the interrogation; an afamated dog/cat/cocal/ceenghial/sorz that magnated his appunts so he wasn’t able to study; a perfectly timed headache/mal of panz/garbing that appears exactly during the hour of the interrogation; a certified dangerous allergy to the inchiostr of the book; some aliens that frequently rapiss him (fig. paracul).
Fig. Paracul. Just a real justification. |
The cocol secion: a sgaious mulo with very high votes and very altruistic manner, so you can copiate everything from him. Usually during the compitinclasse the class assumes a “christmas tree” disposition, with the cocol secion on the top, two muli behind him that copiate from him and three or four other muli behind them that copiate from them. So the optimal proportion in a class is 1 cocol secion every 6 muli.
The stronz secion: high votes but totally estraneous to the social life of the class. He doesn’t let you copiate nothing. Sfigà.
The nagana: the one who doesn’t have pel cool the school, makes a lot of lipe, takes a lot of picons and is involved in every situation of longhee. The nagane were characterized by the use of Fifty and Oxford in the 80’s and by the use of Zip or Phantom F12 in the 90’s. Can evolve in legera, gencon, tara or simply in mulon.
The pH2: schoolmate characterized by his gratuit ranzidume with everybody. His contemporary presence with a nagana is highly sconsigliated.
The guitarist: he’s the one that bring with him the guitarin in every party. If he’s good and plays Nirvana and Pearl Jam, it’s a figade. If he likes Giggi D’alessio, it’s very longhee.
The nana tetona: mula that svilupped more in the x coordinate than in the y. Usually her arrive is anticipated of some seconds by the manifestation of her tetons.
The high CTF rank mula: the pataton of the class. If you haven’t this one in the class, change sezion!
The boocal: the lowest CTF rank mula of the class. It’s not finger that she will not become beautiful in the years, like in the typical american filmazz in which the ugly protagonist will molate her cavei, will cavars the machinet from the dents, will cavars the ociai and improvisament will become a pataton. Eh sì.
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